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Media about Institute for Democracy and Private Enterprise

Year: 1993

  • Greedy democracy (Pazerna "demokracja"), Słowo no. 238, 28.12.1993,
  • Over fiscalism stimulates cheating (Nadmierny fiskalizm zachęca do oszustw), Nowa Europa,
  • Stimulate and better execute (Zachęcać i lepiej egzekwować), Życie Gospodarcze no. 45, 7.11.1993,
  • Gray side of economy (Szara strona gospodarki), Gazeta Wyborcza no. 253, 28.10.1993,
  • Small catechism of every businessman (Mały katechizm każdego biznesmena), Życie Warszawy no. 251, 26.10.1993,
  • Ethics in business (Etyka w biznesie), Nowa Europa no. 209, 26.10.1993,
  • Ethics in business (Etyka w biznesie), Rynki Zagraniczne no. 128, 26.10.1993,
  • Neither request nor command (Ani prosić, ani nakazać), Rynki Zagraniczne no. 128, 26.10.1993,
  • After elections about taxes (Po wyborach o podatkach), Gazeta Bankowa no. 43/61, 22.10.1993,
  • How to stimulate and how to dincourage (Jak zachęcać, jak zniechęcać), Rynki Zagraniczne no. 246, 20.10.1993,
  • Tax Treaty (Pakt podatkowy), Gazeta Wyborcza no. 245, 19.10.1993,
  • Small State, but Strong (Państwo nieduże, ale silne), Nowa Europa no. 204, 19.10.1993,
  • Fiscalism or amnesty (Fiskalizm czy amnestia), Rynki Zagraniczne no. 245, 19.10.1993,
  • Underground (Pod powierzchnią), Życie Warszawy no. 245, 19.10.1993,
  • Burning banderoles (Palenie banderoli), Wprost 17.10.1993,
  • Let us start with tax amnesty (Zacznijmy od amnestii podatkowej...), Super Kontakty no. 9/1993,
  • Taxes and informal sector (Podatki i "szara strefa"), Trybuna no. 163/1993,
  • Who does not risk, pays (Kto nie ryzykuje, ten płaci), Rzeczpospolita no. 163,15.07.1993,
  • It is easy to collect, but how to distribute (Nie sztuka zebrać, sztuka podzielić), Rzeczpospolita no. 161 (3505), 13.07.1993,
  • Decentralization of budget, tax abolition (Decentralizacja budżetu, abolicja podatkowa), Nowa Europa 9-11.07.1993,
  • Liberal tax system would pull them out of underground economy ? (Liberalny system podatkowy wyprowadziłby ich z podziemia?), Życie Warszawy no. 158, 9.07.1993,
  • Amnesty as a dessert (Amnestia na deser), Rzeczpospolita no. 158, 9.07.1993


10 June 2014

Rapport project consortium has just released an online brochure, summarising the most relevant information about the project, its objectives, partnerships, results, resources.... Browse it!

8 January 2014

On 8 January 2014 the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development announced the second call for proposals in the framework of the project "Increasing regions' competitiveness through Corporate Social

16 December 2013

We are pleased to inform you that on 16 December 2014 during the session of the Regional Subject Network the final product of the innovative testing project "Employment

13 December 2013

We are pleased to inform you that on 13 December 2014 during the session of the Regional Subject Network the final product of the innovative testing project "ŁÓDZKIE

9 December 2013

The project rapport entitled "High Quality Job at Green Labour Market in mazowieckie voivodeship. Mechamisms, instruments and solutions for raising the number of well paid workplaces in mazowieckie

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